In this great city you can spend your earned money on cars, weapons, wardrobe, buildings and much more. Play, and raise money to enjoy the game from a different aspect. This is a place especially created for vehicles of super class. That huge city, Liberty City, is full of many missions and adventure where gamers can only explore the island–composed of Dukes and Broker–with all the other islands unlocking as the story progresses. GRAND THEFT AUTO IV displays the gorgeous Liberty City, which the developers call 'heaven on earth'. One of the great things that Rockstar accomplished is that they made sure this game had full functionality on all iOS And Android devices before releasing it. We're certainly positive you will enjoy the game as well as all the new features it has to offer. This is a game changer for all the GTA fans that want to play everywhere, on the go. In order for you to get the best FPS and graphics, it's recommended that you use a high end phone to play it.